Professional arbor care to help protect your growing investment

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Tree Care Tools

Caring for trees requires appropriate tools to make the job easier and avoid damaging the trees. Invest in good quality tools and keep them in good repair. Clean tools after use to prevent the spread of disease from one plant to another.

1.A basic tree care kit should include pruning shears, lopping shears, hedge shears and a pruning saw. Other options include snippers, a pole saw and a chain saw. A garden caddy or tool box will keep the tools clean and organized.

2.Pruning shears are small, short-handled shears capable of cutting through branches up to 3/4-inch thick. Lopping shears are pruners with long handles that afford more leverage to cut through branches up to 1.5 inches in diameter. Use a pruning saw for larger branches, or a chain saw if necessary. Hedge shears are designed to trim and shape hedges.

Tool Care
3.Clean tools with soap and water, drying them thoroughly to prevent rust. If working on diseased trees, sanitize the tools after use by immersing them for two minutes in 70 percent denatured alcohol or in a diluted bleach solution. Rinse thoroughly after sanitizing to prevent corrosion from the bleach.

Or better yet - Hire a Professional Arborist to properly care for your Living Investments!

Source: Tree Care Tools |